Jean DeLuca Dance Studio Rhode Island
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About The Studio  


Jean DelucaMy mom introduced me to dance classes, and the rest is history!  Unfortunately, I can’t say that my childhood experiences were very positive.  As I got older (teen years) I realized that when I was taking classes I was very aware of the manner in which the teacher spoke or acted to her students.  Something just didn’t feel right – so, eventually I realized that mostly, I learned what NOT to do, so I have always been diligent with my students to know who they are and what they can or can’t do – what they need from me – each one is so unique.  I want every child to be recognized in every class - I want them to have fun!  Yes, we will work hard technically – we will learn our choreography – but, we’ll have fun doing it.  I also recognize & respect that there is life beyond dance for them, but I am hopeful that given all their responsibilities – they want to keep dance in their lives for even one or two hours a week until they go to college.
I feel so blessed to have recently celebrated my 50th dance studio anniversary, and so grateful to have the good health and energy to continue doing what I love to do.  I can’t imagine not having children and dance in my life!  Hugs and kisses on a daily basis...what joy!

My mission has always been to introduce young children to the “joy of dance”, and watch them grow technically and creatively through their high school years,  become “Company dancers”, compete a little, get a lot of fun performance experiences and take advantage of master classes.  Strive to be a teacher’s assistant and a teen student teacher, graduate , go to college, get a “real Job”, come back, teach with us or dance with the adult companies and bring your their children, too!

Our students and their families thoroughly enjoy our ”once every 3 years” Disney trips, performing on a Disney stage and especially participating in a day long Disney Dance Workshop is a memorable and exciting experience.  I’m always proud of how hard they work… they always make us look good!!

A lot of my joy comes from watching young students grow up “wanting to keep dancing.”  I am very proud of those who have moved on to movies and Broadway.  Most noted – Joe Pizzi who became a Disney Dancer at 16 years of age and at 18 years appeared in Cat’s on Broadway.  His special teaching and choreographic talents were immediately noticed and appreciated by Ron Howard.  Joey was the choreographer for the movies Chicago, hairspray and much, much, more.  At this time, a lovely graduate student, Berkley Andrews is appearing on Broadway in Gypsy.

Some of our graduate students have moved on to their own studios in Rhode Island and out of state.  I also think it’s awesome to have a continuing “Adult Dance Company” made up of mostly former students ages 30 to 70 years who still find dancing with us a joyful weekly experience.

Our Graduate company Dancers” include my very talented “Dream Team” of teachers who have been with me since their childhood- growing into fabulous young women, choreographers and teachers, they all have wonderful “real jobs”, but dance is their passion and their passion is why I am able to celebrate these 50 years! (not to mention what wonderful mentors they are to their students.


“Our Unique Approach to Dance Education”

Our school has been structured around the philosophy that a child may begin to dance at age three and continue to grow and progress through a varied program.  Each student receives individual attention in an atmosphere that encourages growth and development.  We want children to discover dance as a recreational activity designed to encourage a positive self image, body awareness, discipline, stage presence, music appreciation, and a general education of the “PERFORMING ARTS.”

The entire staff at Jean DeLuca Dance Studio is well qualified, competent, and committed to the belief that all instruction be of the highest caliber, whether it be for the recreational or professional student.  We look forward to introducing young minds and bodies to classes that are stimulating, invigorating and always FUN!..........and our viewing windows are always open for your enjoyment.


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